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Join the New Mexico Chapter!

Call for Volunteers

The APIC NM Chapter needs you!

Volunteering for chapter officer positions or committees is a great way to meet other members and contribute to the health and future of the APIC NM Chapter.

All members are encouraged to participate. If you are interested and want more information email

Open the attachment below for additional information regarding officer job descriptions. 

APIC NM Chapter Elections Happening Now!

Nominate yourself or another member for open positions for 2025. Check your email for additional information regarding positions. 

Nominations will be open until June 15th.

Use the link below to access the nomination form.

APIC NM @ APIC National San Antonio 

Let us know if you are going to the APIC Conference & Exposition in San Antonio, TX.  

Join our contact list and stay connected with our NM IPs

2025 APIC NM Annual Conference
Watch This Space For Updates!


Not an APIC NM Member- No Problem. Everyone Welcome!

Sign up to join our email list and receive information on upcoming chapter education and meetings.

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