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Shaping Healthy Habits in School Children April 7, 2015 - School and Adolescent Health - Awareness

The New Mexico Department of Health in collaboration with the Public Education Department work year round to promote public health in New Mexico schools. Tuesday, April 7th is national Healthy Schools Day. « read more »

Envisioning a Healthy Future April 1, 2015 - Southwest Public Health Region - Awareness

This coming Monday marks the start of National Public Health Week, an event created by the American Public Health Association for recognizing all the men and women championing the health of all people and communities. « read more »

Flu Season is Not Over in New Mexico March 26, 2015 - Immunization - Awareness

The New Mexico Department of Health reported today that influenza B continues to circulate in New Mexico. The vaccine is a reasonable match for the predominate influenza B strains that we are seeing in the state. « read more »

Local Teens Encouraged to ‘Kick Butts’ March 18, 2015 - Nicotine Cessation - Awareness

Today is national Kick Butts Day, a national day of activism empowering youth to stand up and speak out about the dangers of not just cigarettes but all tobacco products. The day was created in 1996 by the Campaign for Tobacco-Free Kids and has been the focus of schools, youth groups and health advo... « read more »

Three Strategies to Reduce Infant Mortality Rates March 3, 2015 - Maternal & Child Health - Awareness

Safe sleep, smoking cessation and perinatal regionalization are among the topics that the New Mexico Department of Health has prioritized in its efforts to reduce the state’s infant mortality rate. The announcement today comes on the heels of the Collaborative Improvement and Innovation Network to... « read more »

Valentine’s Day Not the Only Reason to Think about Your Heart February 11, 2015 - EMS Stroke/STEMI - Awareness

Valentine’s Day is coming this Saturday. So as you run around this week making reservations and hustling for last minute gifts, it’s also a good time to think about the shape of your heart. I don’t mean your relationships status; I mean literally your heart. Because no matter how old you are,... « read more »

The Importance of Good Dental Health February 9, 2015 - Dental and Oral Health - Awareness

February is National Children's Dental Health Month, and the New Mexico Department of Health is encouraging parents to help their children develop good oral health habits at an early age. « read more »

National Black HIV/AIDS Awareness Day February 5, 2015 - HIV Prevention - Awareness

The New Mexico Department of Health is proud to partner this year with multiple government agencies, including the Office of African American Affairs, advocacy groups and other organizations to promote “Two Seven”: National Black HIV/AIDS Awareness Day. A variety of educational events are takin... « read more »

Care for Your Eyes to Make Them Last for Life January 28, 2015 - Public Relations - Awareness

Our eyes, like so much about our health, are easy to take for granted. Just like eating healthy and exercising, taking care of our vision should be a priority. Having healthy vision can help keep us safe when we’re driving, while at work, home or school, participating in sports, or taking part in... « read more »

With Cervical Cancer, Prevention is Easier than Treatment January 21, 2015 - Breast and Cervical Cancer - Awareness

If there were a vaccine to prevent a cancer that kills 4,000 women in the United States each year, would you get it for your children? What about a test you could take to assure early detection of cancer, would you take it for yourself? « read more »

Animal Plague Cases in Santa Fe Area January 15, 2015 - Zoonotic Diseases - Awareness

The New Mexico Department of Health is reporting five cases of plague in animals in the Santa Fe area since November 2014. Three cats, one dog and one mouse have all been confirmed with plague. Confirmatory testing was conducted at the Scientific Laboratory Division. All of the positive animals are... « read more »

Flu Cases Rising in New Mexico January 14, 2015 - Immunization - Awareness

You’re seeing the story more and more in the national news, and flu activity is increasing in New Mexico. Over the past few weeks, more and more of us are coming down with the flu. « read more »

The Underappreciated Vitamin for Healthy Children January 7, 2015 - Maternal & Child Health - Awareness

For many women planning to have children, often the first thing their doctor tells them is to take their vitamins. Not just any vitamins but prenatal vitamins. Prenatal vitamins are an important part of pregnancy nutrition — even before conception. « read more »

Make Holiday Health and Safety a Priority December 17, 2014 - Public Relations - Awareness

There’s a lot of reasons to love the holiday season. We get the chance to take time off and enjoy time with family and friends, celebrate life, and of course there’s always the reason for the season: take time to reflect and remember all the reasons why we have to be grateful in our lives. « read more »

Checking the Halls Before Decking the Halls December 11, 2014 - Public Relations - Awareness

Consumer Product Safety Commission estimates there were 15,000 injuries involving holiday decorating seen in emergency departments nationwide during November and December 2012, making it the fourth consecutive year those numbers increased. « read more »

Take Time This Thanksgiving to Learn Your Family Health History November 24, 2014 - Public Relations - Awareness

Thanksgiving is tomorrow. That means you’re probably home for the holiday and spending time with family. Maybe you’ll be watching a parade or a football game; maybe you’ll do some evening shopping. Just maybe you can take the opportunity with your family…to talk. The holiday season offers m... « read more »

The Best Way to Protect the Ones You Love from Flu September 18, 2014 - Immunization - Awareness

Just driving around town, you can see the signs. “Get Your Flu Shots Here”, “Flu Shots: No Appointment Needed”, and so on. It means flu season is coming whether we like it or not. Seasonal flu activity can begin as early as October and continue as late as May, and the problem is it’s not... « read more »

Free Screenings for Fall Risk at State Fair September 12, 2014 - Older Adult Falls - Awareness

Governor Susana Martinez, in partnership with the New Mexico Department of Health, New Mexico Adult Fall Prevention Coalition, the Healthy Aging Collaborative, and Aging and Long Term Services Department, are working together to raise awareness that older adult falls are not a normal part of aging a... « read more »

Potential Smoke Impacts from the Pino Fire September 2, 2014 - Environmental Public Health Tracking - Awareness

The Pino Fire is currently burning in an area of the Santa Fe National Forest five miles south of State Highway 4 and six miles east of Jemez Springs. Fire crews will begin multiple hand and aerial ignitions today to manage the wildfire. Based on forecasted weather conditions, smoke from the Pino Fi... « read more »

SMART Alternative to Addiction Recovery Available July 23, 2014 - Southwest Public Health Region - Awareness

The SMART Recovery program is becoming increasingly known in New Mexico and nationwide as being a modern alternative to Alcoholics Anonymous/Narcotics Anonymous. The program is not limited to substances such as alcohol and drugs. Those with addictions to gambling, food, the Internet, and more are al... « read more »

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