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Provider Data Summary


The Developmental Disabilities Supports Division (DDSD) is moving to the Health Care Authority (HCA). Our current webpages have moved to the Official HCA Website. Please go there for all future DDSD updates.

Everyone faces important decisions at different points in their lives. These decisions include where to live, work, and do things that make you happy. People with an intellectual and developmental disabilities (IDD) face the same decisions. Often people seek the help of others to assist them make important decisions, and everybody regardless of ability, uses information to make these important decisions.

The following information is provided to help you and your guardian, if you have one, make decisions regarding who provides you residential, community, and employment supports.

What is a Provider Data Summary?

The provider data summary is a list of organized data with information about current residential, community and employment service providers in New Mexico. It is created to help you choose who will provide your services. The provider data Summary can also be used with other information including the Provider Selection Guide to help you make your choices.

Provider Data Summary: Compliance with Quality Standards

There are different government agencies who are responsible for making sure services are available to individuals with IDD. The Developmental Disabilities Support Division (DDSD) contracts with service providers throughout the state. These services are designed to help people live as independently as possible.

The Quality Management Bureau (QMB) monitors service providers to make sure they are following rules and regulations designed to ensure your safety and well-being. Every two to three years, QMB sends out a team of reviewers to make sure service providers are doing their job correctly. The teams monitor providers by reviewing records and talking to staff who work there.

During a review, the QMB team might observe one or more problems or concerns often referred to as deficiencies. Deficiencies are categorized as standard or higher level (condition of participation) depending on their potential for harm to someone's health and safety.

Higher level deficiencies address the following areas:

  • Individual Service Plan (ISP) implementation;
  • Required trainings and criminal background checks;
  • Health, safety, and welfare

Following the review, agencies are given a compliance level based on the number or type of problems found. The QMB determination of Compliance indicates that no deficiencies with potential for harm to health and safety were identified. The QMB determination of Partial-Compliance indicates that deficiencies were found and, if not corrected, may result in a negative outcome or more than minimal harm to the individual’s health and safety. The QMB determination of Non-Compliance indicates a provider is significantly out of compliance which, if not corrected, may result in a serious negative outcome and/or harm to an individual’s health and safety.

Almost always, the deficiencies are corrected through a Plan of Correction process following the review. Deficiencies that are not corrected through the plan of correction process may be referred to the Internal Review Committee (IRC).

Internal Review Committee

The IRC of the Department of Health reviews problems identified by DDSD, QMB or other agencies. If the IRC decides that a problem is serious, they can impose actions or sanctions on that service provider. The information in the provider data summary below indicates if an agency had a case before the IRC in the past year.

Questions to Ask a Potential Service Provider

When selecting a provider, you or your guardian should ask the provider some important questions about their services. Examples of these questions are listed in the Provider Selection Guide. Also, information from the provider data summary below may give you some ideas for questions, including:

  • Was your agency determined to be in compliance in your last QMB review?
  • In what area(s) did you receive your deficiency?
  • What have you done to correct them?
  • Have you been referred to the Department of Health’s IRC in the past year? If so, why? Were there any actions or sanctions? What did you do to correct this situation?
  • What will you do to ensure my safety and well-being?

We hope this information will help you choose the right residential, community, and/or employment service provider(s) for you. If you have any questions about any of this information, please email the Provider Selection Guide Staff team at their address.

All Support Providers Statewide

The following alphabetized data summary is for all support providers statewide.

Regional Distributions

(Based on current region(s) served by the agency)


  • Compliance: The QMB determination of Compliance indicates that a provider has either no deficiencies found during a survey or that no deficiencies at the Condition of Participation Level were found.
  • Data: Data are facts or information. Data are often numbers that can assist people in making important decisions.
  • Deficiency: A deficiency is a concern or problem found during a QMB survey of an agency.
  • Developmental Disabilities and Supports Division: The Developmental Disabilities Support Division (DDSD) is part of the New Mexico Department of Health. This Division contracts with service providers who support persons with intellectual and developmental disabilities.
  • Department of Health: Department of Health The Department of Health (DOH) is part of the State of New Mexico. The Department promotes health and wellness and assures safety net services for all persons in New Mexico.
  • Higher-Level Deficiency: A higher-level deficiency is a problem that has caused or may cause harm to an individual with IDD. A higher-level deficiency must be corrected for an individual’s safety and wellbeing. A higher-level deficiency is called a Condition of Participation (COP) deficiency.
  • Health, Safety, and Welfare: This is an important part of the QMB review. Individuals have the right to live and work in a safe environment. The service provider should support you to access healthcare when you need it.
  • Individual Service Plan (ISP) Implementation: This is an important part of the QMB survey. Every individual is required to have an ISP. The services you receive must be part of your ISP.
  • Internal Review Committee: The Internal Review Committee (IRC) of the Department of Health reviews provider performance concerns identified by DDSD, QMB or other agencies. The IRC can impose actions or sanctions on providers who are not doing their jobs correctly.
  • Non-Compliance: The QMB determination of Non-Compliance indicates a provider is significantly out of compliance with both Standard Level deficiencies and Conditions of Participation level deficiencies.
  • Partial Compliance: The QMB determination of Partial-Compliance with Standard Level Tags indicates that a provider is in compliance with all Condition of Participation Level deficiencies but is out of compliance with a certain percentage of Standard Level deficiencies. The QMB determination of Partial-Compliance with Standard Level Tags and Condition of Participation Level Tags indicates that a provider is out of compliance with one to five (1 – 5) Condition of Participation Level Tags with less than 75% of the survey sample affected.
  • Plan of Correction: All deficiencies found at the time of a review must be corrected to ensure the safety and well-being of individuals being served. A Plan of Correction shows what a service provider will do to correct deficiencies found during the review. The Plan of correction also is intended to prevent continued deficiencies. Agencies have a limited amount of time to implement the plan of correction.
  • Provider data summary: A provider data summary is a list of organized data with information about service providers. It is created to assist you and/or your guardian to make decisions regarding service providers.
  • Quality Management Bureau: The Quality Management Bureau QMB is part of the New Mexico Department of Health. QMB reviews service providers throughout New Mexico. Every two to three years QMB sends out a team of reviewers to make sure providers are doing their jobs correctly and following state and federal rules and laws. The teams visit providers without announcing their visit. They get information for their review by looking at records and talking to staff.
  • Qualified Providers: This is an important part of the QMB survey. The staff at the agency must have a criminal background check. The staff also must attend required trainings.